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Ping! app updated to 1.0.1, fixes bugs

Ping! 1.0.1

Ping!, the iPhone-to-iPhone messaging app, has just been updated to version 1.0.1, and with the update comes a bunch of bug fixes. Here’s a little of what’s changed:

  • You can now unregister your Ping! ID
  • Landscape keyboard fixed so you can now send updates from that view
  • Duplicate messages will no longer be received
  • Notification settings icon fixed
  • There’s now an in-app invitation email

Ping! certainly isn’t the prettiest app in the world, but it is definitely functional, and allows free iPhone-to-iPhone messaging without having to use SMS, and it’s way faster. You can pick up Ping! for $0.99.


Ping! brings iPhone-to-iPhone messaging to the App Store

Ping! App

We were just alerted to a new and app called Ping!, which aims to provide free iPhone-to-iPhone (and iPod touch) messaging to users of those devices. We tried it, and thought it was worthy enough to give a shout out to.

Basically, once you download the free Ping! application, you set up a username, and you are set. You can invite others from within the app over email, letting them know your username, and also set up whether you want push notifications or not. Once you start a conversation, it’s very similar to SMS…except it’s free, and instant. You get the speed of an IM conversation with the persistence of SMS, all at no extra cost. Even better, it works internationally. So you can send and receive messages with people in other countries, and again, at no extra cost.

Go ahead and give Ping! a try, we think you’ll like it.

Read More | Ping! in App Store

Zune HD size comparison gallery

Zune HD vs. iPod touch screen comparison 2

The launches today, and we know a bunch of you are considering picking one up, but want to know how it stacks up agains other items like the , and even the older hard drive based (since they’re all on clearance now.) We’ve taken the liberty of putting together a size comparison gallery that puts the Zune HD up against those very items. Yup, check out our Zune HD size comparison gallery for all the goods.

Read More | Zune HD size comparison gallery


Microsoft’s take on today’s Apple announcements

Zune logo

One things we’ve been wondering today, admidst all of the Apple event news, is how Microsoft was feeling, especially as it pertains to their business, which is set for a major overhaul in six days. We got in contact with a Microsoft spokesperson, and asked them about what they thought of the new iPod and iTunes announcements. Here’s what they had to say:

Since our debut, Zune has offered a different kind of end-to-end digital entertainment experience that includes wireless MP3 players, a robust online store, music community and innovative software features that help users easily find the music and videos they love.

The entertainment experience for consumers hasn’t changed that much after Apple’s announcement today.  Our point of view has always been that people want to be entertained, and they want a better way to watch and listen to the digital entertainment they love.  We’re interested in getting you your content where you want it in rich, exciting ways.  We look forward to sharing more on September 15th.

Okay, so Zune is all about music and videos - not games, video recording, and all that other stuff. We get it, and we like the focus. What we don’t like, though, is how Microsoft allowed Apple to steal their thunder by announcing the new line-up way after Microsoft announced the , followed up by Apple launching the new iPods a week before the Zune HD hits stores.

In the meantime, if you’re a music fan looking for a new music player, we say wait until the fifteenth. What you see come out of the Zune camp may surprise you. All of you. I’ve already said too much.

iPhone OS 3.1.1 now available

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Apple, Smartphones, Handhelds, Software,

iPhone OS 3.1.1

Amidst all the other news from today’s “” music event is the fact that iPhone OS 3.1 (or, technically, 3.1.1) is now available. With it comes things like support for Genius Mixes, pre-cut ringtone downloads at $1.29 a pop, app organization support in , and Genius recommendations for apps. There’s also a bunch of polish, bug fixes, and ease of use features as well. Just connect your iPhone or iPod touch and check for an update.

iPod touch 3rd gen: $199 8GB, $299 32GB, $399 64GB

iPod touch $199

has just announced the third generation of the at their “It’s only Rock and Roll” event this morning. The first order of business is that the 8GB iPod touch is now just $199. In addition, the 32GB model will now sell for $299, and the newly announced 64GB model (which I am drooling over) will sell for $399. The iPod touch has hit that magical $199 price point, and based on that, we think Apple can expect sales to shoot even higher.

The new touches also have innards, since they support OpenGL 2.0, which means games will look and perform even better.

The negative? No camera. That is the one thing we were hoping to see added to the touch, and it didn’t happen. Oh well, there’s always next year.

Apple confirms September 9th rock and roll themed music and iPod event

Apple Rock and Roll iPod music event

Yup, we’ve suspected that September 9th was going to be the day that we’d see a bunch of new hotness from as it pertains to music, namely and -related announcements. Well, it’s been confirmed, as Apple has started sending out invitations to a rock and roll themed event on the 9th, to be held at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts Theater. Expect the entire iPod line to be refreshed, with the exception of the shuffle, and with the focus being on the and iTunes 9.

What do you hope we see next Wednesday?

Bleeding Edge TV 316: Yelp Monocle Hidden Feature Brings Augmented Reality to iPhone

My pal Robert Scoble announced that the Yelp iPhone and iPod touch app that was recently updated included a hidden Augmented Reality feature. Obviously, as soon as we saw, we had to give it a shot, and we figured we’d do it on video. Augmented Reality apps use the camera on the , along with overlaid information, to present location data while looking at the “real world” - it’s very cool, and you can expect a bunch more of these types of apps to make an appearance on the App Store very shortly upon the release of iPhone OS 3.1.

In this demo, we show you how to unlock the Monocle mode in the Yelp app, and also give you a look at what exactly it does. For now, our early opinion is that it’s a cool idea…it just needs to be refined a bit to be truly useful.

Spotify streaming music app coming to iPhone

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Music, App Store News, New Apps,

Hey, streaming subscription music fans, it looks like Spotify has finally been approved by , and it will be appearing in the App Store shortly. You may not realize how big a deal this is at first glance, but trust me, this is huge. Spotify is a service that gives you all-you-can-eat access to music for a set fee each month. The app appearing on the iPhone and iPod touch means that you can use another store besides iTunes to listen to, and download, music. Yes, Spotify even lets you listen to downloaded tracks if you are offline. This is a game-changer, and we look forward to getting our hands on Spotify once it is released!

Bleeding Edge TV 315: Zune HD hands-on Interface Preview

We were able to spend some quality time with the a couple of days ago, and we put together this video walkthrough of the interface on the device. Unfortunately, we weren’t connected to Wi-Fi, so we weren;t able to show web browsing, downloading from the Marketplace, or Social, but this gives you a really good idea of what to expect when you get pick up your Zune HD (available for pre-order now) come September 15th.

Our favorite feature? I’ll probably be using the pinned items on the side quite a bit, especially for the recently synched stuff. Quick access to things like that have been much needed on touch devices. A runner up would have to be the quick scroll in the music browser. Again, it saves you on just quickly swiping a bunch of times, hoping to get to the right spot.

All in all, we’re impressed. Of course, we will have a full Zune HD review when we get our own device. For now, be sure to read up on everything we know about the Zune HD.
